Where The Journey First Began
As I awoke from grandpas chair, I remember the feel of the cold leather caressing my face. My tired eyes strained to make out shapes in the rays of light beaming through the window. Once adapted, my first glance is of the majestic ten point displayed proudly on grandpas wall. Coaxing me from my slumber, his strong hands lifted me towards thee elusive creature; only to find a hershey kiss waiting for me upon his nose. I was three years old, not yet knowing that this moment in time had imprinted a love and passion to be unraveled in the years to come.

At the age of seven, my father invited me to accompany him on an archery hunt for whitetail. Still hunting through the forest on that crisp november morning….I can remember the steam rising through the air with every breath; the crunch of the leaves under my heavy feet; and the sounds of nature preparing for a busy day. The light slowly grew across the forest floor chasing the shadows into the depths. We found ourselves nestled at the base of an old red fir just taking in the beauty bestowed upon us. This hunt would not end in the harvest of our quarry but successfully capture my heart as an outdoorsman.

In the years following, my enthusiasm for the wild intensified with each outing and would soon consume my life. Old enough to pack around my own rifle or stick and string depending on the season; I quickly learned the techniques to consistently fill my tags. Each harvest was special to me and I found myself wanting to preserve the memory.

Starting out with antler plaques, self tanned hides, and European mounts; I soon turned my attention to professional taxidermy. Cursed with the desire for perfection, I found my way to taxidermy school in Northwest Montana. It is there that I learned the competition level techniques from a two time national award winning taxidermist.

I was once told that you never work a day in your life if you’re doing what you love. That’s what taxidermy is for me. The excitement of preserving your memories of these elusive creatures.